Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How do you advertise your tutoring business?

There are some basic advertising strategies most tutors use. Of course placing an ad in your local newspaper, or even on Craigslist. You can also post fliers around town with your information, and a scan code if you're tech savvy. My question has been this, what if those strategies still aren't attracting new students?

This summer I have been trying to find some new ways to get the word out about my services. Just this past weekend I had the pleasure of running a booth with my mom at our local Music Festival. She's a local photographer and needed an extra hand. When she asked for my help, I gladly accepted, and went to work putting together some information and a plan to promote my business.

First, I made these little cards to let interested passersby know about the classes I offer throughout the summer. I just placed them on the counter along with her pictures. Many people stopped and asked questions, but even more people just saw them and picked one up and walked away.

I'll just have to exercise a little patience to see if anyone contacts me or visits my website from that.

I also offered learning style assessments and tutoring consultations. I hadn't ever been to this particular music festival so I had no idea what the environment would be like. I learned a valuable lesson that this was NOT the right place for this offering. People were focused on the bands and the food.

However, I do have a couple other spots lined up that this might just work. n case it does, here is what I did. I like the assessment you can download for free HERE. I use this inventory for all of my new students. But it can get expensive printing all of those pages out each time. SO I made a quick little booklet that I can have on hand with the student's information at the top, and a scoring sheet inside. I will be able to stick these little pieces right in my students' files. I laminated the actual inventory pages so I can use them at venues such as the festival this past weekend, and the farmer's market I may attend in a couple weeks.

What about you? Have you stepped out of your comfort zone to try a new way of advertising? Do you have tip you'd like to share with other tutors? If so, we'd love to hear from you, leave your experience or top in the comments below!

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